Adolescent Girls Menstrual Health and Hygiene

SHARP, in association with Johnson and Johnson, are starting project ‘PARICHAY’ for adolescent girls on menstrual health and hygiene in Delhi. This project is already going on in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; we plan to expand into more states.
To impart accurate and reliable information to adolescent girls on topics identified as important to their health & well-being, it often being the case that basic information is not easily accessible.

Topics covered will be:
• Introduction to female anatomy and reproductive system
• Menstrual Health and Hygiene
• Anemia
• The right age for marriage
Target age-group
Each session comprising of adolescent girls from 6th to 12th standard.
Before the sessions, one teacher will be trained by a gynecologist associated with the Menstrual Health and Hygiene Programme. The teacher will help the girls clarify any doubts and answer any questions to do with menstrual health and hygiene once the sessions are over. A question box will be placed in the school to help the girls open up. The teacher will be certified as a nodal teaching coordinator by SHARP.